





To be helped, a woman should be seen as a human who has a mind and could be hurt. One of the reasons that CSH against women is difficult to stop is that, historically, women have been dehumanized. They are still assigned animal characteristics or recognized by their separate parts of the anatomy. Seen as objects, women lose the ability to reason and look less human in the eyes of observers. Without the mind, suffering is not important, whether physical or socio-emotional.

Gender Nonconformity 

People recognize gender-nonconforming individuals as such because their characteristics are visible; this is a visible stigma. Gender minority students experience depression because of gender harassment: homophobic bullying and name-calling. The insults are based on masculine/feminine stereotypes. Individuals with sexual minority status are subjected to abnormal norms of harassment starting in school. It is apparent in the current research literature that sexist and homophobic attitudes are slowly changing in decade intervals, while implicit (hidden) negative social attitudes are more resistant to change.

General Affordances 

There are structural affordances that influence the ability of an individual to manipulate time and space. For example, intellect is not something deserved and, therefore, is not something an individual can interpret as earned by work; it is passed down through genes. One is born into poverty and gun violence; the other is born into fancy estates. First, the environment normalizes individual experiences through repetitive occurrences; that is, the individual accepts a life situation as usual. Second, each environment uses its own measures of success and failure; however, the individual could use personal experience to measure another person’s experience. The method is flawed if one applies measures of success and failure from a wealthy environment to an individual from poverty or vice versa. For example, in research involving different genders, it is vital to consider participants' culture, history, and physical location. 

Epistemic Equity

Psychology, as a science and practice, is not immune to the issues of discrimination. There are scholarships that have been systematically excluded from validation in academic institutions because of the different operational terminology and/or because the research originated within marginalized populations. The term “peer review” is often understood by the public as the ultimate democratic truth, ensuring a fair analysis of research by publishing bodies. Let’s not forget that the reviewing peers are unknown; therefore, authors can hope but not be sure that their general affordances and historical-cultural differences are recognized in the review upon submitting papers. Many other structural inequalities perpetuate misleading results and support epistemic oppression.  

TA Psychology

Transactional Analysis psychology is a theory organized from many concepts under common philosophical principles. From the TA perspective, all people deserve to be valued and treated as human beings capable of thinking. People need attention, love, and compassion; they are entitled to freedom of choice. This builds the set of specific requirements from professionals involved in psychotherapy, counseling, education, or organizational work. TA theory relies on the assumption that the psychological makeup of every personality is developed by their relationships within a family and social environment. When a person is unwell, helping occurs in relationships with others, the process of transactions (communication, units of recognition, aka verbal ‘strokes’) supported by underlying philosophical principles.


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